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                  The 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party ‖Minxuan Technology wishes the party's vigor and prosperity, and wishes the motherland prosperity!

                  發(fā)布日期: 2021-07-01    瀏覽次數(shù): 4940    新聞編輯: 

                  Concentrate on party building to promote the high-quality development of enterprises

                  Minxuan science and technology non-public enterprise party building construction

                  Since the establishment of the branch committee of Fujian Minxuan Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Minxuan Science and Technology Party Branch") in 2016,

                  Always attach great importance to party building

                  Under the leadership of higher-level party committees and party organizations

                  With the company's great attention and full support

                  Under the active response of all levels of departments

                  From scratch, from small to large

                  From "A Little Red" to "Full Garden Spring"

                  The party branch of Minxuan Technology has always adhered to the purpose of people-oriented and wholeheartedly serving the people, actively exploring the role of political leadership and fighting fortresses of corporate party organizations, promoting the deep integration of party building work and corporate governance, and resonance at the same frequency, improving the level of corporate scientific management, and promoting the company Healthy development, high-quality development, won the honor of "Advanced Primary Party Organization".

                  100th anniversary of the founding of the party

                  2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Looking back on the course of a hundred years of struggle, generations of Communists have succeeded in succession, pragmatically seeking change, pragmatic and innovative, and pragmatically seeking progress. They have made great efforts to achieve a magnificent oriental legend with hard work day and night. In order to commemorate the birthday of the party, review the party’s struggle history with passion, praise the party’s glorious achievements, inherit and carry forward the party’s glorious tradition and fine style, strengthen ideals and beliefs, inspire a sense of historical responsibility, and further enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization. With the great attention and strong support of the company, the Minxuan Technology Party Branch carried out a series of activities.

                  1. Learning Party History and Keeping Our Mission in Mind



                  The hundred-year journey has been magnificent, and the heart will grow stronger at the beginning of the century. Studying the history of the party will enable us to better strengthen our rational beliefs, carry forward the red tradition, inherit the red genes, inherit the spiritual blood of the Communists, and move forward in a new era and new journey.

                  Carrying out party history learning and education at the special time of the party’s century of establishment is of great significance for strengthening beliefs and gathering strength. In addition to actively carrying out party history education and learning, with the company’s great attention and support, it also integrates party history learning and education. In the factory area, party history signs and propaganda slogans are posted in the factory area, and the red gene is deeply embedded in the corporate culture construction. At the same time, in the form of a publicity column, the company's party building in the past few years has led the company's five major developments to summarize and report. During the event, the founder Zhu Bin emphasized: "Take the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party as a new opportunity to further stimulate all cadres and employees to learn history, increase credit, learn history, honor, and practice history, integrate the red spiritual power into the blood, and continue to work. Be pragmatic and strive for progress, innovate and create".

                  2. Revisit the oath of joining the party

                  A hundred years of wind and rain, a hundred years of glory. From the "little red boat" to the "twin giant ship", our party has made extraordinary achievements. Standing at a new historical starting point, we should strive unremittingly for the new journey of building a modern socialist country with a deep sense of mission and responsibility and a strong spirit of historical responsibility, and for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

                  In front of the bright red party flag, Minxuan Science and Technology party members and party activists solemnly swear. The sacred and heroic oath embodies the infinite loyalty of party members and comrades to the Communist Party of China, and demonstrates the duties and missions of party members and comrades.

                  3. observe advanced deeds

                  Listen to role models and learn to move forward. By focusing on studying the advanced basic-level party organizations and outstanding party members in "Model 5", we can realize the spirit of model, convey exemplary strength, and enhance confidence in struggle. It is worth mentioning that in the face of the 2020 epidemic examination, all party members and party activists of Minxuan Technology have the courage to advance in the face of difficulties, and lead the company's high-level talents, model workers and other advanced personnel to resume work and production, townships and towns. The anti-epidemic work has actively contributed to its efforts, demonstrating the spirit of the party members' firm belief, responsible deeds, serving the masses, and selfless dedication.

                    4. Feeling the kindness of the party and presenting a centennial birthday 

                  A hundred years of wind and rain, history can be a lesson. History is written vertically and horizontally like a rafter, and the conclusion is written deep in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people-without the Communist Party, there would be no new China; we who embark on a new journey and a new era should strive for self-reliance, inherit and carry forward the red gene, and stand on Position, forge ahead and strive to achieve the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

                  On this centenary anniversary, the Minxuan Technology Party Branch also meticulously organized some party members as representatives, recorded blessings to the party, tribute to the party's centennial birthday, a thousand words are perseverance and dedication, every word is love and attachment!

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